Charles I. Addey

Doctorate Student / Research Assistant


Research Interests

Ocean Biogeochemistry, Ocean Carbon and Oxygen cycle,  Air-sea fluxes, Marine Carbonate Systems, BGC Argo float, Autonomous sensors, Climate Change.


12.  Brewin, J.W., Sathyendranathb, S., Kulk, G., Riod, M., Conchad, J.A., Bell, T.G., Bracherf, A., Fichoth, C., Frölicheri, T.L., Galí, M., Hansell, D.A., Kostadinov, T.S., Mitchelln, C., Neeley, A.M., Organelli, E., Richardson, K., Rousseaux, C., Shen, F., Stramski, D., Tzortziou, M., Watson, A.J., Addey, C.I., Bellacicco, M., Cetini, I., Dall’Olmo, G., Frouin, R., Hauck, J., Hieronymi, M., Hu, C., Ibello, V., Kong, C.E., Kova, Z., Laine, M., Lauderdale, J., Lavender, S., Livanou, E., Llort, J., Russell, J.L., Salisbury, J., Sanders, R., Shutler, J.D., Sun, X., Taboada, F.G., Tilstone, G., Wei, X., Woolf, D.K. (2023). Ocean carbon from space: current status and priorities for the next decade. (Earth-Science Reviews).

11. Adesina, R.B., He, Z.G, Dada, O., Addey, C.I., Oladejo H.O. (2023).  Characterization of subsurface sediment as a reconnaissance tool towards restoring the Nigerian Transgressive mud coast. Regional Studies in Marine Science

10. Addey, C. I. (2022). Biogeochemical Argo for understanding carbon and oxygen dynamics. Nat Rev Earth Environ 3, 739 (2022).

9. M. F. Cronin, S. Swart, C. A. Marandino, C. Anderson, P. Browne, S. Chen, W. R. Joubert, U. Schuster, R. Venkatesan, Addey, C.I., O. Alves, F. Ardhuin, S. Battle, M. Bourassa, Z. Chen, M. Chory, C. Clayson, R. B. de Souza, M. du Plessis, M. Edmondson, J. Edson, S. T. Gille, J. Hermes, V. Hormann, S. A. Josey, M. Kurz, T. Lee, E. H. Moustahfid, S.-A. Nicholson, E. S. Nyadjro, J. Palter, R. G. Patterson, S. G. Penny, J. Reeves-Eyre, N. Rome, A. Subramanian, C. Steinbarger, T. Steinhoff, A. J. Sutton, H. Tomita, S. M. Wills, C. Wilson, L. Yu (2022). Developing an Observing Air-Sea Interactions Strategy (OASIS) for the global ocean. ICES Journal of Marine Science. fsac149,

8. Brodie S, Addey CI, Cvitanovic C, Dias BS, Frainer A, García-Morales Hurtado S, Jiang S, Kaikkonen L, Lopez J, Mathesius S, Ortega-Cisneros K, Pennino MG, Peters C, Salim S, Shellock R and Vaidianu N (2022) Editorial: Solving Complex Ocean Challenges Through Interdisciplinary Research: Advances from Early Career Marine Scientists. Frontiers of Marine Science. 9:913459.

7. Adesina, R.B., He, Z.G, Dada, O., Addey, C.I.(2022). Sediment properties along the Nigerian Transgressive Mahin mud coast: Implications for erodibility and morphodynamic modelling. Journal of African Earth Sciences.

6. Okeke, E. S., Ejeromedoghene, O., Addey, C. I., Atakpa, E. O., Bello, S. F., Ezeorba, T. P. C., Chukwudozie, K. I., & Okoye, C. O. (2022). Panacea for the nanoplastic surge in Africa: A state-of-the-art review. Heliyon, 8(11), e11562.

5. Okoye, C. O., Nyaruaba, R., Ita, R. E., Okon, S. U., Addey, C. I., Ebido, C. C., Opabunmi, A. O., Okeke, E. S., & Chukwudozie, K. I. (2022). Antibiotic resistance in the aquatic environment: Analytical techniques and interactive impact of emerging contaminants. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology, 96, 103995.

4. Okeke, E.S., Olagbaju, O.A., Okoye, C.O., Addey, C.I., Chukwudozie, K.I., Okoro, J.O., Deme, G.G., Ewusi-Mensah, D., Igun, E., Ejeromedoghene, O., Odii, E.C., Oderinde, O., Iloh, V.C., Abesa, S., 2022. Microplastic burden in Africa: a review of occurrence, impacts, and sustainability potential of bioplastics. Chemical Engineering Journal Advances 100402.

3. Okoye, C.O., Addey, C.I., Oderinde, O., Okoro, J.O., Uwamungu, J.Y., Ikechukwu, C.K., Okeke, E.S., Odii, E. (2022). Toxic Chemicals and Persistent Organic Pollutants Associated with Micro-and Nanoplastics Pollution. Chemical Engineering Journal Advances,100310,

2. Addey, C.I., Jiang, Z.-P., Chen, J. F., Afelumo, A. J., Adesina, B. R., & Osanyintuyi, A. J. (2021). The Variability of Partial Pressure of Carbon Dioxide (pCO2) in a River-Influenced Coastal Upwelling System: A Case of the Northeast Pacific Coast. Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection, 9, 133-148.

1. Addey, C.I., Nubi, O.A., Adelopo, A.O. and Oginni, E.T. (2018). Heavy metals pollution index of surface water from commodore channel, Lagos, Nigeria. African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 12(6), pp. 191-197. 

Publications (In preparation)

5.   R. Venkatesan, M. F. Cronin, C. I. Addey,  C. Anderson,  J. Aucan , M. L. Aydlett, C. A. S. Boulay, Marandino, P. Chardon-Maldonado, M. Iwamoto, E. Jones,  K. Kurz, C. Stienbarger, S. Wills  (2022). Air-Sea Observations for a Safe Ocean, with a focus on Small Island Developing States (SIDS).

4.   Roberts, E., Dai, M.H., Smethie Jr, W.M, Shen, S.P., Guo, X.H., Gorman, E., Guo, L.G, Wang, L.F., Xu, Y., Addey, C.I. Anthropogenic carbon penetration and distribution in the northern South China Sea basin. (ACS Earth and Space Chemistry).

.   Addey, C. I., et al. Spatiotemporal variability in surface ocean pCO2 and sea-air CO2 flux associated with vertical mixing in the Northwest Pacific Ocean.

.   An OASIS on the horizon - an Observing Air-Sea Interaction Strategy for 2030. 

1.  Salim et al., Understanding challenges and opportunities for progressing DEI in interdisciplinary marine science. (Special issue of Oceanography)

Policy Briefs

2.   Levin L, Addey, C.I, Bax N, Bigham K, Oduware S, Orcutt B, Parmeswaran U, Pearman T. Review of the State of the Ocean Report for Consideration of the Deep Sea. Deep Ocean Observing Strategy.

1.   Levin L, Addey, C.I, Lindsay D, Seabrook S,  Zarar M. Comments on the US Ocean Climate Action Plan by Deep-Ocean Stewardship Initiative’s Climate Working Group. 


13.  Coronado-Alvarez, L. A., and Addey, C. I. Evaluation of the drivers of FCO2 variations in the Pacific Northwest Ocean. Integrated Carbon Observation System Science Conference, 13th–15th September, 2022.

12.  Addey, C. I., et al.  Regional wind variability modulates carbon sink in the northwest Pacific Ocean. SOLAS International Virtual Summer School. June 17th 2022. Poster

11Addey, C. I., et al.  Seasonal and latitudinal dynamics of carbon sink across the western boundary current and its recirculation regions. OASIS for a Productive Ocean: Air-Sea Observations for Offshore Wind Energy. June 1st 2022. Poster
10.  Addey, C. I., et al.  Seasonal and latitudinal dynamics of carbon sink across the western boundary current and its recirculation regions. Air-Sea Observations for a Safe Ocean. April 7th 2022. Poster
9.  Coronado-Alvarez, L. A., Addey, C. I., Hernández-Ayón, J. M. Spatial variation of DIC derived from Satellite Data in the California Current System During Spring (2003-2021). Air-Sea Observations for a Safe Ocean. April 7th 2022. Poster
8.  Addey, C. I., et al.  Dynamics of Surface pCO2 and sea-air CO2 across the Subtropical to Subarctic Northwest Pacific Ocean. The14th University Consortium on Aquatic Sciences (UCAS) Symposium 2022. March 27th – 31st, 2022. Poster
7.  Addey, C. I., et al. Spatial and Temporal Variability of Northwest Pacific Ocean Carbon Sink. ASLO Ocean Sciences Meeting 2022. Feb 24th – March 4th. Oral presentation.
6.  Coronado-Alvarez, L. A., Addey, C. I., Hernández-Ayón, J. M. Spatial variation of DIC derived from Satellite Data in the California Current System During Spring (2003-2021). Ocean Carbon from Space Conference. February 14th– 18th 2022. Poster
5.  Addey, C.I., Jiang, Z.P., Chen, J.F, Dai, M.H. Spatial and decadal variability of surface water pCO2 and air-sea CO2 flux in the Northeast Pacific Ocean and its coastal waters. Ocean Carbon Annual Conference, Xiamen, China. January 8 – 9th 2022. Oral presentation.
4.  Addey C. I., Adesina R. B., Ipaye E. O. Marine Plastics May be Altering the Carbon Cycle. OASIS for a Clean Ocean. November 18th – 19th 2021. Poster
3.  Osanyintuyi A. J., Addey C. I., Adesina R. B. Long-term shoreline analysis of Brunei coast: an application of digital shoreline analysis system (DSAS). IMBeR West Pacific Symposium “Changing West Pacific Ocean: Science and Sustainability”. November 22 – 25th 2021. 
2.  Addey, C. I., Adesina, R. B. Spatiotemporal variability in surface ocean pCO2 and sea-air CO2 flux across the Northwest Pacific Ocean. IMBeR West Pacific Symposium 2021 “Changing West Pacific Ocean: Science and Sustainability”. November 22nd 25th 2021. Oral presentation.
1.  Addey, C. I., Afelumo, A. J., Adesina, R. B., Osanyintuyi, A. J. Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement (OAE) as a viable option for climate intervention. Integrated Marine Biogeochemistry and Ecosystem Research (IMBER) / IMBIZO VI Conference, October 18th – 22nd 2021. Oral presentation.

Conference/Workshop Session led

3.  OS027-I & II Co-Convener and Co-Chair: Observing Air-Sea Interactions Strategy (OASIS) “Big Asks” and “Grand Ideas” for 2030. AGU Fall Meeting, 2022
2.  Town Hall Co-convener – Get Involved! Observing Air-Sea Interactions Strategy (OASIS) Theme Teams. AGU Fall Meeting, 2022.
1.  Co-Convener: Fostering Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) into interdisciplinary marine research workshop. CSD Annual Conference on Sustainable Development 14th-16th October, 2022

Invited talks

2.   Perspective of an Early Career Ocean Professional (ECOP) in a UN Ocean Decade Program. Get Involved! Observing Air-Sea Interactions Strategy (OASIS) Theme Teams. AGU Fall Meeting, Dec 7th 2022.

1.  Maximizing productivity and growth in ECOP Africa through networking and collaboration in this Decade of Ocean Science. AFRICAOCEANS2022: Enabling Collaborations Among Early Career Ocean Professionals in Africa: An online side event at the African Conference on Priority Setting & Partnership Development for the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development in Cairo, Egypt. May 10th, 2022.

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